English Boost KS3


Dear Parent / Carer,

I hope that your child has enjoyed their first week at Biddenham. As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential. We aim to equip every child with skills in effective written and communication skills. With this in mind we are launching a literacy intervention programme aimed at supporting Year 7 students with their reading comprehension and writing skills.

I have looked at the data from the Year 6 SATs and have used this to create intervention groups for students who achieved 94 and under in their KS2 Reading Assessment. We believe that these interventions will support your child with their literacy skills and with the transition to secondary school. We feel that it is important to put measures in place to support every child, and we hope that these sessions will support your child and raise their achievement. We will also use these sessions as a way to build confidence and encourage reading for pleasure.

These sessions will be led by an English tutor during normal school hours. We are planning to use a range of activities to develop their reading, writing and spelling, and plan to test them again at the end of the unit to check their progress. We will set additional work for them to complete at home, in order to boost their development throughout the scheme. We are also asking for students to read every day, so this will also involve them keeping a record of their reading.

This tuition will take place during normal school hours.

There are some requirements listed below:

  1. They should have high effort levels in their regular lessons in school. If their class teacher reports they are not making an effort, they will then be unable to attend extra tuition.
  2. Any homework set for the week by the English tutor must be completed by the following session you have with them.

I hope you agree that these interventions will help to support your child’s understanding and application of knowledge in language and literature, and look forward to working together to support them and their progress.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully,

Caroline Burton

Whole School Literacy Lead