September 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
Science Museum London
The Science department would like to invite your child on a trip we have organised to the Science Museum, London on Tuesday 15th October 2024.
We will have a tour of the Wonder Lab, where we will have a talk about the exhibition. We have also booked ‘Antarctica’ in their 3D IMAX cinema.
We shall be travelling there and back by train. Students will need to make their own way to Bedford train station by 8.30am. We will return to Bedford station at approximately 5.30pm.
Students should bring a packed lunch, snacks and a drink and should be in full school uniform. Should they wish to bring spending money, they should bring no more than £10.00. Mobile phones and cameras are permitted but brought by students at their own risk.
The cost of this trip is £30.00. Please provide payment and parental consent via your ParentPay account.
Thank you for supporting your child in this way.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Shakoor
Teacher of Science
Assistant HOY Sixth Form