Parents and Carers Support

As parents and carers you may feel the transition from  Primary to Secondary school as hard as your child.
You have gone from knowing a school for 6 potentially 7 years and now you need to learn it all over again. The daily contact with one class teacher to having a wide range of teachers and new experiences/ emotions your child will experience and not knowing how to support your child. This area of the website is setup to support you.
At Biddenham School we pride ourselves in working closely with parents and carers to support the learning journey from year 7 to year 13 . Throughout your child’s learning journey you will have plenty of opportunities to receive information on your child’s progress including  parents evenings and  the opportunity to receive weekly or daily google classroom summaries to keep up to date with what your child is learning or has opportunities to experience.
This section has been created to support you in knowing key information and supporting you with home learning.
If this area does not cover the area of support you require help, please feel free to contact or pop a note in your child’s planner for their form tutor and we will reply at our earliest convenience.