CGP Workbooks for GCSE Science


1st December 2021

Dear Parent/Carer

CGP Workbooks for GCSE Science

In order to help prepare them for their summer Science exams, your child has received or will be receiving CGP workbooks.  If they are taking separate Sciences, they will have three separate books for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and if they are taking Combined Science they will have one Combined Science book.

These books contain useful exam style questions and the answers will be made available on google classrooms for students to check their work.  Students should be using these to prepare for the January paper 2 mocks (which will be on the second half of the units in each Science) and then later, for the paper 1 content.  From January onwards, they will be expected to bring the workbooks to all their relevant Science lessons, e.g. the Biology book when they have Biology and so on.

These books have been purchased by the Science department and therefore remain the school’s property, so if your child loses or damages their book(s) they will be charged for replacements, at the costs below:

Separate Science books – £2.85 each

Combined Science book – £5.60

If you have any questions, please contact me at

Yours sincerely


Karl Walker

Acting Head of Science