Royal Albert Hall Concert – Friday 18th March 2022


1st February 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

I am writing to invite your child to participate in a trip to see a concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London.  The event is called Classical Spectacular and will be on Friday 18 March 2022 at 12.50pm.  The concert will include the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, large choir and a pyrotechnics and laser show!

Students will leave school to travel to the Royal Albert Hall by coach at 10.30am and we will be returning to school at 4.30pm where they will need to be collected by parents. This means that students will miss periods 3, 4 and 5.  Students will need to arrive at school as usual for 7.50am on Friday 18th March and wear full school uniform.  A packed lunch will need to be provided by parents for the trip.  Children who receive free school meals will have a packed lunch provided for them.

At the theatre there is a kiosk and merchandise stall, but any money brought on the trip is at the students own risk.

The cost of the trip will be £30, payable via ParentPay. If you have not yet registered please contact who will assist you with this.

For students currently studying GCSE music and Level 2 Performing Arts it is a key component of the course to see a live music event.  Level 2 Performing Arts students need to write about a live performance they have seen in their exam.  It is highly recommended that music and performing arts students attend this event.  This event will be live on ParentPay on Friday 4th February at 8am.  I anticipate it to be very popular, therefore early booking is advised.

Yours sincerely


Miss Murphy

Music Lead

Biddenham International School