Year 8 Residential Trip to West Runton, Norfolk 11th – 13th July 2022



5th November 2021

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 8 Residential Trip to West Runton, Norfolk 11th-13th July 2022 

The Geography department is running a residential trip for year 8 students to The Kingswood Centre in West Runton, Norfolk.  This is an amazing opportunity for your child to investigate coastal environments that will further their understanding of the topics taught in year 8 up to GCSE. It also has a number of team building activities that will develop social and physicial skills of students. Please note there are only 40 spaces available for this trip. The trip will run from Monday 11th – Wednesday 13th July.

Accommodation will be at the Kingswood Centre, West Runton, and students will be sharing dormitories with approximately 4 to 6 other students of the same gender. The trip is inclusive of the 2 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, activities and transport, however your child may wish to bring some spending money and food for the journey.

The cost of this trip is £225 per student, this can be paid and consented through your ParentPay account. If you prefer to pay by instalments please contact the Finance Office to arrange this or alternatively email To confirm a space please pay your £50 non refundable deposit via ParentPay.  Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The trip will become available on ParentPay on Friday 19th November.

Please find below further information about the trip, however an information evening will be arranged in June to provide parents and carers with any additional information or questions you may have.

Kind regards.

Mary Ann Browne

KS3 Geography Leader

Lead Teacher of Project Based Learning


Activities whilst staying at the Kingswood Centre in West Runton. 

We will be taking part in a number of activities. The itinerary is not yet finalised, but here is a list of possible activities that might be included.


Obstacle Challenge

Jacob’s Ladder

Crate Stack

Shelter Build

Explore Coasts

Night Walk
