Drama Coursework incomplete – catch up sessions


21st April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

I am writing to inform you that your child has elements of their final piece of Drama coursework that is incomplete or significantly under the word count. The coursework is referred to as their devising log. Their coursework is in urgent need of upgrading so as not to impact their overall grade. This element of the course is worth 30%. They have had ample time to complete this coursework in lesson time over the course of the year so I will now be holding 2 additional afterschool sessions for your child to attend to complete what is required. Attendance is crucial and there will be no further opportunities to catch up as their coursework will be sent off to AQA on Friday 6th May. Only a very small number of students are attending these sessions so I can work much more closely with your child.

Session 1 – Tuesday 26th April 2.45pm – 4pm

Session 2 – Tuesday 3rd May 2.45pm – 4pm

Thank you in advance for your support in this matter and for making any arrangements to enable your child to attend these sessions. I look forward to seeing your child at both of these sessions.

Yours sincerely

Miss HL Wiltshire

Head of Performing Arts