Celebration Event – Monday 19th December 2022 (Y7)


December 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Celebration Event

I am delighted to inform you that your child has been selected to attend a celebration event on Monday 19th December 2022, 2.45pm – 4.30pm in the main hall.

This invite entitles them to a film showing and popcorn to celebrate their achievements.

They have been selected because they have shown our behaviour values and have since their start of Year 7 in September successfully achieved to:

Should there be any questions or you need further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself via email amy.lewis@biddenham.beds.sch.uk or Ms Larsson on 01234 334580.

Please complete and return the reply slip no later than tutor time Monday 19th December. If the slip is not returned they will unfortunately not be able to attend the event.

I look forward to celebrating their achievements with them. Please pass on the biggest congratulations.

Kind regards,

Miss A Lewis

Head of Year 7


Return Slip –  Please return to Miss Lewis or Ms Larsson (offices at the top of E Block)

I (Parent/Carer name) ________________________________ can confirm that my child (student name)______________________________ will be able to attend the Celebration event after school on Monday 19th December.

Signature______________________________________ Date:______________________