KS3 Climate Change Student Summit, University of Bedfordshire


December 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

Visit to the University of Bedfordshire – Wednesday 18th January 2023

Your child has been selected to take part in the KS3 Climate Change Student Summit taking place at the University of Bedfordshire on Wednesday 18th January 2023.

Students are to arrive at school as normal in full school uniform and will be returning at approximately 3:30pm. Your child is required to bring a packed lunch, if your child receives a free school meal, a packed lunch will be provided.

The cost of this trip is free of charge but please confirm Parental Consent through your ParentPay account by Monday 16th January latest.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me chloe.drake@mybiddenham.com

Yours sincerely

Chloe Drake

Assistant Head of Year 11