Silverstone Interactive Museum visit – 18th January 2022


November 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

Visit to Silverstone Interactive Museum – 18th January 2022

We have the opportunity within the Design Technology Department (DT) to take the Year 9 students on a trip to the Silverstone Race Track to visit their educational museum.  The motor racing industry has a rich history both of engineering and design, and has been at the forefront of much material and engineering science over the years. This will be both an exciting and educational experience.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see the design and development aspects of the course applied in a real world setting.

Please see the below information from Silverstone regarding the format of this trip:

We work with your pupil numbers to rotate them around the various key elements of the day in a carousel format. The package would include a Workshop with one of our Learning Leaders in a dedicated Studio overlooking the circuit. This incorporates elements of the Science & Technology of motorsport, materials and design as well as careers and provides students with the opportunity to handle genuine motorsport items.

The group would have entry to the Exhibition itself which is a self-led tour, entry to the main Exhibition which incorporates the history of Silverstone itself as well as the history of motorsport. The various exhibits also allow students to explore the wider aspects of racing, including medical support, the mechanics, safety and via our Tech Lab, the technology and engineering itself, as well as the opportunity to get close to genuine raced vehicles, clothing and other related items.

You also have access to our Heritage Track Trail, where pupils get the chance to walk on a section of the original Silverstone Circuit. This provides them with a great view of some areas of the current circuit and a close up view of any on track activity that may be happening on the day (although this cannot of course be guaranteed!).

The itinerary is as follows:

Event:              Silverstone (

Date:               Wednesday 18th January 2023

Location:        Silverstone Interactive Museum, Silverstone, Towcester, NN12 8TN Link to google maps                       

Cost:                 The cost is £19.00.  This covers the cost of the entrance ticket for the day and coach

Times:               Depart Biddenham 09:00am arriving back at school for 2.30pm traffic permitting

Food:                Your child would need to provide their own packed lunch as they would not be able to leave

the site to access local shops (free school meals students can collect their packed lunch

from the canteen prior to departure).

Uniform:           Your child will be required to wear school uniform, and should bring a coat for the external

track part of the day in case it rains or is cold.


How to book your place

Places on the coach are limited so will be on a first come first served basis.  If you wish to attend this trip please pay and give parental consent through your Parent pay account. A new item will be highlighted in red and the trip will be listed as Year 9 Silverstone DT Trip and the cost is £19.00.  Tickets will go live on Monday 21st November at 8am. 

Thank you very much and we look forward to taking as many of you as we can on this visit.

Yours sincerely

Dave Loveland

Head of Design Technology