November 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
Your child has been studying GCSE Sciences throughout years 9 and 10, which have been taught separately as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are two different qualifications we can enter students for; Separate Sciences (3 GCSE qualifications) or the Combined Science qualification (worth 2 GCSE qualifications). We have recently made the decision that we will be entering your child for the GCSE Combined Sciences qualification in the summer examinations.
Students will continue to study each science separately for this qualification, and will not have any change to their current timetable, but they will be given a ‘combined’ award, which is worth two GCSE qualifications.
This decision has been made in light of the recent practice exams, and we feel that the students would have a better chance of passing the Combined Science exams, as they will be more able to access the content in these papers. We believe this is the most sensible decision for your child as it will allow them to complete the course earlier, providing us with additional time to focus on revision and they will also have less content to revise.
This change will take effect immediately, so they will be taking the Combined Science papers during the December practice exam weeks. If you feel that your child should remain on the Separate Science course or have any questions regarding the different courses then please do not hesitate to contact me at
Yours sincerely
Suzanne Squair
Head of Science