Visit to Brooks, Bedford – Wednesday 8th March 2023


21st February 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

 Brooks Hair & Beauty, Bedford – Wednesday 8th March 2023

  We have been invited to take a small group of students to visit Brooks Hair and Beauty, the Bedford College training salon on Wednesday 8th March. We would like to invite your child to attend as they have indicated their interest in this industry sector and we feel it will enrich their knowledge and support them in making career decisions.

We will depart from Biddenham School at 9.30am and will arrive back at school at the end of the school day. There is no charge for this visit but please complete the Parental Consent on your ParentPay account by Wednesday 1st March latest. If this is not completed your child will not be able to attend the visit

Yours sincerely

Rachel Purvis Careers

Counsellor & Co-ordinator