Residential trip to Valley Farm in July 2024


February 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 10 Residential Trip 1st – 4th July 2024

The Food department is running a residential trip for year 9 students to Valley Farm in Cornwall. This is an amazing opportunity for your child to gain a good understanding of food sustainability and the working practices of a fresh food provider as well as enhance practical skills for the GCSEs with cooking workshops. Their time at Valley Farm will give students a balanced and informed view of the pros and cons of organic farming, including the different impacts they make in terms of biodiversity, soil and water quality, nutrient cycles, food quality and economics.

Please note there are only 15 spaces available, with two members of staff, for this trip. The trip will run from 1st – 4th July 2024, when your child is in Year 10.

The accommodation provided will be at Valley Farm and students will be sharing dormitories with approximately 4 – 6 other students of the same gender. Woodland Valley Farm, Ladock, Cornwall, United Kingdom, TR2 4PT

The cost of this trip is approximately £230 per student and this includes breakfasts, lunches and dinners, workshops, activities and transport. However your child may wish to bring some spending money and food for the journey and for the evenings. Please note that the cost of the trip may vary depending on student numbers. 

The trip can be paid and Parental Consent given through your ParentPay account. Payments can be made in full or by instalments and this will show on your ParentPay account. To confirm a space please pay your non refundable £50 deposit via ParentPay. This will be on a first come first served basis. The full balance will be due Friday 5th May 2024

Please find attached some further information about the trip. However, if you would like more details, please don’t hesitate to contact

Kind regards.

Meredyth Powell

Head of Food Preparation and Nutrition

Valley Farm Itinerary 

Monday 1st July               Depart Biddenham at 7am

Arrive at Valley farm for around 1pm (traffic permitting)

Lunch and unpacking

Farm tour and talk


Tuesday 2nd July           Breakfast

Calf at Foot dairy talk

Cheese and Bread making


Beach activities


Evening Beaver walk and Bat detection


Wednesday 3rd July      Breakfast





Movie night/ free time


Thursday 4th July         Breakfast

Depart Valley Farm at 10am

Arrive back at Biddenham 4pm (traffic permitting)


Packing list