October 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
Natural History Museum at Tring
We would like to invite your child on a Science trip we have organised to the Natural History Museum at Tring on Wednesday 29th November. Students will have a tour of the museum and attend a tailored workshop on a biology topic variation.
We shall be travelling there by school mini bus. Students are to meet at reception at 8.25am to leave by 8.30am. We will return by approximately 2.30pm. Students are to bring a packed lunch, snacks and a drink. They must wear school uniform but trainers/ comfortable shoes are permitted. Students should bring no more than £10.00 spending money. Mobile phones and cameras are permitted but brought by students at their own risk.
Students have been selected for this trip by the Science department because of the effort made during science lessons therefore there is no cost for this trip.
Please provide parental consent via your ParentPay account.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for supporting your child in this way.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Shakoor
Science Teacher and STEM Co-ordinator