Sea Life Centre Birmingham


November 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

Sea Life Centre Birmingham

The Geography department are delighted to offer a trip to the Sea Life Centre Birmingham for year 7 students on Wednesday 17th January.

During the autumn term, year 7 students have been studying world biomes. This trip will support and extend their learning with a focus on the marine biome.

During the day students will have a tour of the Sea Life Centre and take part in a workshop ‘Habitat Explorers’: “Invite students to become Habitat Explorers as they dive deep underwater into the ocean habitats of some of our SEA LIFE creatures! Together they will dive into a world of amazing discovery to learn about different underwater habitats and the creatures that live there.”

We will be travelling by coach and aim to leave the school at 8am, returning to school for 4pm (traffic permitting)

The total cost for the trip which includes travel, entry, and the workshop is £17.50. Students will be expected to bring their own lunch for the trip. If students are eligible for free school meals, a lunch will be provided. There will also be an opportunity for students to visit the gift shop.

Places are available on a first come first served basis. This trip will be available to book from 9.00am on Friday 1st December. Please provide payment and parental consent via your ParentPay account.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.

Yours Sincerely,

Mary-Ann Browne

Geography Teacher