University of Bedfordshire Computer Science Department Visit


January 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

University of Bedfordshire Computer Science Department Visit

We have been invited to attend the Computer Science Department at the University of Bedfordshire on 22 January to give our students an insight into university life and specifically computer science. Students will be taking part in a computer science related workshop that will act as revision for their exam in May.
Students will also be given a tour of the campus. At the Luton campus they have specialist computer science teaching rooms that include:

Students will need to meet at Bedford train station at 8.45am and we will take the train to Luton. We will then walk to the university campus which is approx. 15 minutes away. We will return to school via train for 1.35pm.

There is no cost for this trip however students will need to bring a packed lunch or money to buy some food. If they are entitled to free school meals, this will be arranged for them. Please give parental consent on your ParentPay account for your child to attend by Friday 19th January.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely

Shelley Cadman
Head of ICT and Computing