Dear Parent/Carer
YEAR 11 Parents’ Evening
Tuesday 30th January from 4.00pm until 8.00pm
I am writing to invite you to attend the Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 30th January 2024 which will provide you with an opportunity to discuss your son’s/daughter’s progress and possible Sixth Form courses with subject teachers. The sixth form prospectus and subject information is available on the school website
Parents evening follows our mock results day on Tuesday 23rd January when students will bring home their practice exam results. During the mock results day, students will receive their mock exam results and have the opportunity to meet with their tutor. This session will allow your child to reflect on their results and discuss key next steps to ensure their success in the upcoming summer exams. We believe that this individualised reflection and guidance will greatly benefit your child’s academic progress and help them achieve their full potential. It is important for both parents and students to actively participate in this process to ensure the best possible outcomes.
On Friday 26th January Year 11 students will be bringing home their latest academic report. It is advisable to bring these documents with you on the evening to inform conversations with subject teachers. These discussions are vitally important in helping both students and parents understand what is needed in order for students to achieve success in their public examinations.
Please use the following link to log in and make appointments. Enter your details and your child’s details as required on the login screen. You will need to use your child’s preferred first name, preferred surname, and their date of birth. Bookings are now open, and will close at midnight on Monday 29th January. If you would like assistance with booking, please contact Julie Giles on 01234 334560 or email
At parents evening, in the main reception area, the Head of Sixth form will be available, alongside members of our careers team, to support any post 16 applications. We will also have our SENDCo, PSHE coordinator and EAL Lead available for any further student support. Please use any time between appointments to go and see them. During the evening you will have the opportunity to purchase subject revision guides which will be on sale in reception.
All teaching staff will be situated in Akabusi Block. Refreshments will be available on the evening. I look forward to meeting you on this important occasion. However, if you are unable to attend, but wish to discuss matters regarding your child’s progress, please contact subject teachers directly.
Yours sincerely
MR G Massey
Head of Year 11