Easter half term tuition for Geography


March 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

Easter half term tuition for Geography

Following recent assessments, it has been identified that your child is currently underachieving in Geography. The Geography Department is keen for all students to reach their full potential and achieve a grade 4 (standard pass). We are running two sessions during the Easter holidays which we strongly advise your child attends. The dates of these revision sessions are Tuesday 2nd April, 9:30am-2:30pm and Tuesday 9th April, 9:30am-2:30pm. In addition to this we would like to highlight some opportunities and interventions available:

The aim of the revision sessions is to support student application of geographical knowledge to enhance their learning and exam confidence. I hope you agree that these interventions can help to support your child’s understanding and application of geographical knowledge and we kindly ask that you encourage your child to attend these sessions.

If you would like more information then please do not hesitate to contact the Geography


Yours Sincerely,

Emily Roberts

HOD Geography
