PBL – Olympics Project Letter


16th April 2024


Dear Parent/Carer


Re: Year 7 PBL Project


This term in Project Based Learning, Year 7 students are completing a project on the 2024 Olympics.


As part of this, each class has the challenge of tracking the 8,157 miles it takes to get from Tokyo in Japan (host of the last Olympic Games) to Paris in France. This can be through any physical activity, e.g. walking, cycling, swimming, football, dancing etc.


The students will be completing some of this in lessons, but will be given a homework activity logbook to track the activity they complete out of school. This requires a Parent, Carer or Coach to sign it for the miles that will be added to the class totalizer.


We really appreciate your support with this project, and hope you can also have some fun tracking the miles with them!


Yours sincerely




Lead Teacher, Project Based Learning