ICT Thorpe Park Trip


April 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

ICT Thorpe Park trip 

We have organised a trip to Thorpe Park for your child in year 10 which will take place on Friday 14th June 2024. Since March, year 10 students have been focusing on data/information and the way it flows around systems. In preparation for this trip, students will be looking at how a theme park is run, what data is collected, how it is used/stored and ways that information can be shared.

We will be leaving school at 8.00am and travelling by coach, we will return at approximately 3:30pm (traffic permitting).

The cost for this visit is £38.00 which covers entry to the theme park and transport. Students will not be required to wear school uniform but should wear appropriate clothing for a day outside and come prepared for all weathers.

The trip will go live on Friday 19th April. Please log into your ParentPay account to give parental consent and make payment.

Yours sincerely


George Foy

ICT/Computing teacher