Powering Transformation Workshop, University of Bedfordshire


April 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

Powering Transformation Workshop, University of Bedfordshire

Year 7 students have been invited to attend the ‘Powering Transformation’ workshop, in association with Dell Technologies on Thursday 2nd May at the University of Bedfordshire, Polhill campus. This is a reward for displaying excellent behaviour and attitude to learning throughout the year.

Students will spend the day at the university campus to gain an insight into higher education and the world of work whilst taking part in problem solving challenges which will focus on solving social and environmental issues using technology. Students will have the chance to engage with mentors from Dell as well as students from the university who support the workshop.

Students should meet in the year 7 break out space at 8.20am, ready to depart Biddenham by coach at 8.30am. We aim to return to Biddenham at 3.30pm. Students are to be in full school uniform and should bring a packed lunch and water bottle with them. Students in receipt of free school meals will be able to collect a packed lunch from the cafeteria before departure.

Places on this trip are limited and will be available on a first come first served basis. This trip is funded and there is no cost to you. To confirm your child’s place please provide  parental consent via your ParentPay account by Monday 22nd April.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding this trip.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Standage

Head of Year 7
