April 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
Visit to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Trip
The Project Based Learning department is pleased to offer a fantastic opportunity for year 7 students to explore the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Tuesday 4th June.
Students will explore the Queen Elizabeth Park grounds, investigating how sustainability was incorporated into the planning of the event. This will support their learning in both Project Based Learning and Geography for the United World topic in the summer term. They will also have an exciting BMX activity in the Velodrome where they will be taught new skills by professionals. Therefore it is important that any student wanting to attend this trip is able to ride a bike.
Students are required to bring a packed lunch and water bottle. Those in receipt of free school meals will be able to collect a packed lunch from the cafeteria before departure. The trip will be leaving Biddenham School by coach at 8:15am and aim to return to school by approximately 5.00pm.
The trip will cost £30.00 inclusive of travel and the BMX activity (of which all equipment will be provided). Places are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. This trip will go live on your ParentPay account on Tuesday 23rd April.
If you have any further questions about the trip please contact Nic Fountain on nic.fountain@mybiddenham.com
Kind regards
Mrs N Fountain
Key Stage 3 PBL Teacher