May 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
Field trip to Sheringham, Norfolk
The Geography department has arranged a trip to Sheringham, Norfolk on 3rd July 2024. This field trip is a fantastic opportunity to bring learning alive and hopefully improve your child’s chances of gaining their predicted grade. This is a compulsory trip and counts towards their GCSE. The structure of the day is outlined below:
07:00am – Meet in the quad for a prompt departure. Students will be travelling by coach. Failure to arrive on time could result in your child not attending.
10:30am – Arrive at Sheringham. Students will be split into groups with an assigned member of staff. Groups will complete data collection methods using their recording booklets (beach profiles, longshore drift, wave count, wind speed and pebble size and shape)
12.30pm – Lunch at the agreed meeting point
13:00pm – Completion of data collection and field work review
15:00pm – Depart Sheringham and arrive back at Biddenham at approximately 17:30/18:00 (traffic permitting)
Students are required to bring a packed lunch, snacks and water for the day. Those in receipt of free school meals will be able to collect a packed lunch prior to departure. They can bring spending money if they wish, although this is not a requirement. They should wear comfortable and practical footwear and will require weather appropriate clothing and sun cream. They will also need a pencil case and rucksack.
The cost of the trip is £25.50. This covers transportation and all relevant insurance and administration fees. Please provide payment and parental consent via your ParentPay account no later than 19th June.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Miss E Roberts
Head of Geography