New Designers Exhibition


May 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

New Designers Exhibition

We have the opportunity to take Design Technology and Graphics students on a trip to the New Designers Exhibition in Islington ( on Friday 5th July.  This exhibition is a showcase for newly graduated degree students across a wide range of disciplines; their work is showcased both to the public, but also to industry leaders who view and judge their work.  It is nationally recognised as a focal point for an emerging generation of designers and is an inspirational opportunity for our students to see where their DT and Graphics course could take them.

Please see the below information from New Designers regarding this week:

New Designers is an annual showcase of the UK’s most innovative emerging design talent. Since its inception 39 years ago, New Designers has provided a platform for over 3000 graduates to present their visionary ideas to industry professionals and the public every year. The event takes place over two weeks, with different disciplines highlighted in week 1 and 2, spanning fashion, textiles, furniture, product design, illustration and more.

The details for the trip are as follows:

Date: Friday 5th July 2024

Cost: £16.50 – this includes ticket and coach travel costs

Times: Depart Biddenham School at 12.30pm, arriving back at 6.30pm (traffic permitting)

Food: A packed lunch will be required; any student in receipt of free school meals can collect lunch from the canteen prior to departure

Uniform: Your child will not be required to wear uniform for this trip but should dress appropriately.

Please log into your ParentPay account to make the payment (before the end of June) and to give parental consent. Places are limited and available on a first come first serve basis.

If you have any questions regarding this visit, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely

Dave Loveland

Head of Design & Technology