May 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
After School Textiles Coursework Program
At Biddenham we aim to help students achieve their full potential. In Textile Design the coursework portfolio is worth 60% of the GCSE Qualification. The class spend year 10 and the first part of year 11 working on the projects which make up their coursework.
In order to help students to progress, we are organising a Textiles program after school each week. The class sessions are compulsory and are from 2.35pm – 3.35pm each Wednesday from June 5th 2024 in D2 classroom. The expectation is that students attend all of the sessions until they are completely up to date with their coursework.
Thank you for supporting your child in this matter. If you would like to discuss this please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. R Manning Miss E Parker
Key Stage 3 Lead Visual Arts Head of Visual Arts
Teacher of Textiles