September 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
Business trip to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The making of Harry Potter
A trip has been planned to Warner Bros. Harry Potter studio tour in Watford on Monday 23rd September 2024. This is for current Year 10 Business Studies students. The aim of the visit is to gain an insight into the working of a large organisation and to support the learning of the upcoming Marketing and Finance exam.
This is an exciting opportunity for students to get an authentic and relevant learning experience outside the classroom in a fun and interactive way. The students will discover how a marketing campaign can influence the success and profitability of a film. A step by step analysis of a marketing campaign will allow students to access the complex and exciting world of marketing an iconic brand.
The cost of the visit is £32.30. This price includes coach transport, access to the tour as well as a Movie Marketing lesson. Lunch is not provided therefore students are expected to either bring a pack lunch or sufficient money to purchase. Those students who are entitled to free school meals will be able to collect a pack lunch from the canteen before we leave. We will leave school at 8:30am and hope to arrive back at Biddenham by approximately 3:45pm (traffic permitting).
During the visit pupils will be allowed access to the whole of the venue and therefore will be expected to act responsibly. Members of staff will be accompanying students, however pupils will be expected to travel around the tour in groups of three or more for safety reasons. All pupils will be given the school mobile number to contact staff during the visit. Students will be expected to attend in casual clothes and flat shoes.
To confirm your child’s place on this trip please pay via the ParentPay system. Please complete all consent documentation and payment before 19th July 2024 as arrangements for travel and tickets must be made prior to the visit. Places will be available on a first come first served basis.
Further details will be given to students nearer the date regarding the agenda for the day, behaviour expectations and final arrangements. We reserve the right to withdraw students from the visit if they fail to meet the deadlines and follow our behaviour expectations in lessons between now and the trip.
If you have any questions about this trip then please do not hesitate to contact me on 01234 342521.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Walton
Business Studies Lead