Dance Workshop


June 2024

Dance Workshop

Dear Parent/Carer

Your child has been selected to take part in a workshop run by the Dance department on Thursday 4th July 2024. This event is run for those students that have shown exceptional potential and talent in the subject as well as a passion and enjoyment for Dance. This is a fun event that acts as a reward for all their hard work in the subject. The workshop will be led by professional Dance practitioner Lisa Risdale, Artistic Director for Two Thirds Sky ( Dance department is covering the cost of this workshop so there is no additional cost for parents and carers.

The students will be taking part in a one hour Dance workshop. This will either be during their period 2 or 3 lessons. All students MUST attend their normal periods 1, 4 and 5 when they are not involved in the workshop. Students will be told exactly what time they will need to arrive at the studio. The students will be able to attend school in their PE kit. The students must also bring plenty to drink, as they will be working practically throughout the session. This is a really exciting opportunity for your child and will help them with the practical side of their studies, especially with our current focus on choreography.

Additionally, Two Thirds Sky run a youth dance company, Dance2, which holds annual auditions, providing further opportunities for your child to work with Two Thirds Sky should they enjoy the workshop.

Permission must be given by Monday 1st July 2024 to confirm your child’s place. This can be done by logging on to your ParentPay account. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Yours sincerely

Miss A Warden

Subject Lead of Dance