December 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
As we enter December, I hope all Year 11 students are all looking forward to the holidays and a well-earned rest from what has been a long and content heavy term. Before we break up, Year 11 have their Mock Exams, which begin on Monday 11th December. The Mocks are important for two reasons. Firstly, they will be used on application forms to colleges, schools and other post 16 providers and they also provide faculties with key information regarding student understanding. Faculties can then support gaps in student knowledge in preparation for the GCSE exams, which begin in May.
I would like to remind both parents and students as to the importance of punctuality to school and lessons combined with positive attendance. The correlation between attendance, punctuality and exam success is clear. The higher your attendance and punctuality the greater chance of exam success.
The school day begins at 8am therefore all students need to arrive by 7.55am to allow them enough time to come through the gates and into registration. Tuesday is the exception where students need to be in school at 8.40am.
Please can parents continue to encourage their child to attend school every day and when they are in school ensure that they are on time. I am aware that students can become ill and I understand that they may need to stay home to recover but on the occasions where they may have a cold or headache, students need to show resilience and try to come into school.
The pace of Year 11 is unforgiving and falling behind with work can cause further issues with work becoming overwhelming and knowledge and understanding becoming more fractured.
Students should be well into their revision for their mocks by now and we look forward to celebrating their success with them in the New Year.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Your support with this matter is greatly appreciated.
Have a restful and enjoyable holiday
Yours faithfully
Head of Year 11