Y9 RSE letter


10th October 2023


Dear Parents/Carers of a Year 9 Student


The Carousel lessons for GCSE options are finishing and for the remainder of this half term, your child will be taking part in lessons on skills to support their ongoing studies as well as Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). 


RSE covers topics such as healthy relationships, keeping yourself safe online and contraception. RSE is compulsory for all pupils receiving secondary education. 


If you would like any further information, please visit the following:


During Options Evening, Ms Cathy Eckett, Deputy Headteacher will be based in Reception and Mrs Abigail Speight, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, will be based in N3 for any further information. 


We look forward to welcoming you to our Options Evening later this evening.


Yours sincerely



Mrs Abigail Speight

Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead