Year 12 Level 3 Parents’ Evening, Thursday 13th July 4pm – 8pm


July 2023


Dear Parent/Carers,

Year 12 Level 3 Parents’ Evening, Thursday 13th July 4pm – 8pm

We are holding a Year 12 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 13th July for students who are currently doing their level 3 courses. Subject teachers will spend the afternoon and evening conducting online interviews with students and their parents/carers.

The primary purpose of this Parents’ Evening is to help subject teachers develop a closer working relationship with parents/carers and strengthen the partnership between home and school.

Parents’ Evening is also an opportunity for students to ask for any support, should they feel they need it. With a short period of time before our Year 12 students become Year 13’s we would like to maximise their time over the summer period by discussing the report, which you will receive before Parents’ Evening, and negotiating a set of individual targets which will enable your child to build on their achievements so far, and start Year 13 with a clear understanding of how to progress further.

We would like to ask that students attend the appointment with you so they feel empowered by the targets, rather than disconnected to them if they feel they do not fit their learning.

We are continuing to use online appointments. Bookings can be made using the following link which takes you directly to the login page. Enter your details and your child’s details as required on the login screen. You will need to use your child’s preferred first name, preferred surname, and their date of birth. Bookings are now open, and will close at midnight on 12th July. If there are any problems with booking please contact Linda Larsson on 01234 334580 or email

The appointments are accessible through most smartphones, tablets or laptops. Your child’s school Chromebook can also be used to access the appointments.  Please follow this link for a guide on how to attend your appointments:


We can also offer telephone appointments if this is more convenient for you.


Yours sincerely,


Mr A Brown

Assistant Headteacher – Director of Sixth Form