Field trip to Malham Cove, Yorkshire – 26-27th June 2023


June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Field trip to Malham Cove, Yorkshire – 26-27th June 2023

Thank you for your support for the above trip. The trip is fast approaching and we wanted to provide you with further information. We have finalised the itinerary for the trip and would like to provide you with a suggested packing list.

Monday 26th June

07:00 – Arrive at school for a prompt departure, travel to Yorkshire, stopping half way at services for approximately 20-30 minutes

12:00 – Arrive at Malham Cove YHA

12:30 – Walk up Malham Cove in a circular walk back to the YHA

18:30 – Dinner at a local restaurant – Lister Arms

20:00 – Back to the YHA, this will be students’ free time.

Tuesday 27th June

08:00 – Breakfast

09:00 – Head to Ingleborough Caves for a tour

12:00 – Depart Yorkshire, stopping half way

17:00 – Arrival back at school (traffic permitting).

Packing List

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Yours sincerely

Emily Roberts

Head of Geography