Colworth Careers & Community Fair, Sharnbrook – Tuesday 20th June 2023


5th June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Colworth Careers & Community Fair, Sharnbrook – Tuesday 20th June 2023

We would like to invite your child on a Science visit to Colworth Careers & Community Fair at Sharnbrook which will focus on STEM careers and the opportunities available in the wider local community.

Students have been selected based on their excellent effort in science lessons.

Students are to arrive at school as normal, and we will meet in Reception at 10.00am.  We will be travelling in the school minibus and will be returning at approximately 2.30pm.

Students will be required to wear school uniform, however, trainers or comfortable shoes are permitted, and they will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink.  If your child receives free school meals then they will be able to collect a packed lunch from the school canteen on the morning of the trip.  Given the likelihood of warm weather, students are also advised to bring sun hats, sun cream and plenty of water.

There is no cost for this trip, however, consent will be required via ParentPay by Friday 16th June.

If you have any questions then please contact me via email

Yours sincerely

Miss C Drake

Teacher of Science