Blue Peris – 17th Sept-22nd Sept – more information letter


June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer


The trip is fast approaching and I hope your child is excited.  I am currently making the final arrangements and have enclosed a few things for your attention.  Firstly, some information from the centre manager at Blue Peris.  This is just for your reference.

Secondly, I have enclosed a personal details form.  I would appreciate it if you would complete this promptly and return it to me in school via your child.   Lastly, a kit list is also included.  This is very important to read and understand.

If you have any problems supplying anything, please let me know and I will be happy to help out.  I will soon be meeting with your child and all the other students going on the trip to discuss the kit list and any other matters.  All of these documents have also been sent via ParentPay.  They can also be returned in this way if that is preferable.

Thank you for the deposit/part payment/full fee.  The remainder of the balance needs to be paid in the coming weeks (full balance is £390).  The balance must be paid by Friday 8th September. Please ensure this payment is received on time and if there are any problems please contact me at school.

For any questions regarding ParentPay please email

The specific departure and arrival times are dependent on traffic.  We are currently aiming for the following:

17th September – meet at school for 8:15am to leave at 8:30am.  

22nd September – arrive back at school 8:00pm.

While the meet time is fixed, the arrival time back at school is likely to change.   I will do my best to give you as much notice as possible of more specific times on the day.

Please contact me via email at if you have any other questions.  I shall be more than happy to help.  You will receive hard copies of this letter and attachments in the post.

Yours sincerely

Paul Ray

Trip Leader

Information to parents (pupils below age 18) on  behalf of Blue Peris

 We look forward to welcoming your child to Blue Peris Outdoor Education Centre.  At the centre we are very proud of the care we offer alongside our exciting educational programmes.  We are sure your child will enjoy and benefit from the experience of a residential stay.  However, if you have any further enquiries regarding the centre please do contact us.  More information is available on our website


We take safety as one of our highest priorities. As a result, the centre is registered with Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS)

We have comprehensive guidelines and policies for aspects of the Centre’s work and activities.

We hold a staff meeting each morning on the days that activities take place that can include, instructors, course leader, certain course support staff and a member of the centre management team as required. The meeting is to discuss all areas of operation, the weather, pupil’s wellbeing and activity programme.

Medical / Consent form

It is essential that you’re asked to complete a Blue Peris centre medical / consent form. Any current illnesses, problems or special requirements should be noted on this certificate.  The centre endeavours to work with all trip organisers to be as inclusive as possible and has experience of working with pupils with a wide range of medical issues.

Any injury or illness that may occur between the time of the medical declaration and the course date must be reported/discussed to the centre. If this course of action is not followed, the centre reserves the right to refuse a booking or ask for a pupil to leave based on medical grounds, if we believe that the medical condition / illness will be detrimental to the safety of our staff and others attending a course or residential stay. The centre will not cover any costs associated with this course of action.

The Programme

The centre offers a varied programme. Naturally the activities offered depend on the nature of the course. The course leader and centre managers develop the programme.


The centre has an extensive array of specialist equipment and clothing for all activities. This is all included within the cost. However, if pupils do lose any item of clothing / equipment issued to them the centre will charge for that / those item/s. The kit list will inform you as to what is required for your child’s stay.


The centre issues each group a waterproof camera for the duration of their stay. If you do not wish for pictures to be taken of your son/daughter then please indicate this on the medical/ consent form you will be require completing.

Poor Weather

The weather can affect some activities. Each morning this area is discussed and a decision will be made to change the programme on the basis of safety if required.


Young people participating on our courses / activities must expect to be involved in adventurous outdoor activities.

Your child should bring

The course leader will be able to provide a kit list.

Your Child should NOT bring

Alcohol / Tobacco / Unprescribed drugs

Under 18

Any person found in possession of tobacco, alcohol or any unprescribed drug will be asked to leave the centre, either that day or the following day at the latest and any associated costs will not be covered by Blue Peris.

Unacceptable Behaviour

The centre has adopted a policy in that poor behaviour, bullying, lack of co-operation, bad language, damage to the building and fittings will not be tolerated.

Depending as to what level occurs, unacceptable behaviour will result in individuals either being

  1. Asked to leave the centre that day or the next day at the latest.
  2. Notice given that they need to change their behaviour and if that process is not successful they will be asked to leave the centre. In both situations all associated costs will not be covered by the centre

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are only allowed with the permission of the course leader.

Blue Peris Reception Telephone: 01286 870853


We provide 3 meals a day and cater for all special requirements, please mention the consent form


The Centre’s shop sells sweets, drinks and souvenirs. The shop is opened in accordance with the wishes of the course leader

Social Media

The centre has a Face-book page and Instagram. These are updated on a regular basis and can be an ideal way to find out what action packed learning groups have been undertakings. If you do not wish for your son/daughter to appear on any social media please tick the box near the base of the Blue Peris consent and medical form


The centre does not give any refunds for any reason. Including examples such as; medical, late back off holiday, sporting fixtures, special family occasions, illness and Covid 19.


No personal insurance is included in the price. Should parents want a policy to cover personal accident, illness, lost property, etc. they should make their own arrangements or contact the school

Further Questions

Please contact the centre where we will be happy to advise

BLUE PERIS  U18’s Personal Details/ Medical Form

This form must be signed by the parent or guardian of children under the age of 18.  Staff responsible for students on a residential visit are acting in loco parentis and therefore need this information and parental permission to help them properly exercise their duty of care.

Course date booked: School/college:



Forename: National Health No . Age: Sex:
Home address:



Home Tel:
Date of birth:
Next of kin and Address:








Doctors name and address (student’s):
24h Contact Tel: Contact Tel:
Work Tel: Email:
Are there any special medical or physical circumstances of which the Centre staff should be aware, e.g. asthma/epilepsy/diabetes/dislocations/disabilities:  or any ALLERGIES e.g. Penicillin/ aspirin/ elastoplasts?

Please give all relevant details about how something could affect your performance at the centre. Contact the centre if you need additional information about how an activity might affect you, and check with your doctor if you are not sure of how a condition might affect your ability to participate (continue on another sheet if necessary). We endeavour to be as inclusive as practically possible.

Failure to disclose relevant information may result in your child being put in a situation that endangers their health or even worse.

ENSURE that information is up to date in view of the day they depart and visit the centre.


Is your child receiving any regular medical treatment?

Give details and the required dose


Do you wish a member of staff to look after any medicines?

If so, you must hand all medications and instructions to the school course coordinator

Do you give permission for paracetamol/Calpol to be given to your child if necessary?
Is their tetanus up to date? Date of last vaccination:
Their swimming ability:  (please circle distance)

You must be able to swim 25m to go White Water Rafting

Non swimmer 25m 50+m
Details of any special dietary requirements e.g. vegetarian, Halal or food allergies:




I understand the conditions under which my son/daughter has been accepted on a course at Blue Peris.  I hereby agree that my son/daughter ……………………………………. may take part in the activities organised by the Centre Manager or his representative and I agree to him/her receiving such medical treatment as may be deemed necessary, should, in the opinion of the physician concerned, the delay in contacting myself be potentially injurious to my child’s health. In consideration for the Centre staff and Fusion Lifestyle  I/we agree to indemnify these against all claims, costs, actions and demands whatsoever resulting from taking part in the programme of activities or the administration of medicines unless such claims, costs, actions or demands result out of the negligence of the Centre staff or Fusion Lifestyle. I also understand that the centre does not provide cancellation insurance. Therefore, the centre will not be liable s in view of student/s who do not attend due to illness, missed coach, holiday issues, home issues, personal issues, accidents which prevent them attending. Finally students possessions are not insured by the centre or Fusion Lifestyle



If you do not permit photos/videos to be used as publicity material / social media the Centre or Fusion Lifestyle please tick the box:


Signed: Date:



Student Personal kit List 



  • Wash kit and towel to stay in centre
  • Torch with batteries
  • Plastic drinks bottle (1 litre at least)
  • Roll on deodorant (not aerosols they set the fire alarm off)
  • Lunch box (small/medium sized)
  • 1 large polythene bag (strong dustbin liners) for any wet or dirty kit at end of your stay)
  • April-September Sun cream (at least 20-30 & insect repellent are vital)


Clothing for Outdoor Activities 


  • 2 Jumpers (See note below **)
  • 1 pair of shorts ( may to sept only )
  • 2 pairs of Thick socks / WELLY SOCKS ARE 

GREAT ( 1 pair if course is only 3 days long )

  • 2 pairs Warm trousers/leggings/tracksuit trousers
  • Hat and Gloves – Only October to March
  • Swimming costume/shorts
  • 1 pair of old trainers
  • 2 T shirts OR thermal tops
  • Large towel to allow privacy when changing outdoors- Poncho towel also if you one
Additional clothing to bring for around the centre 

(This will be used when not on activity. i.e. In the mornings and evenings):-


  • Slippers/indoor footwear for around centre
  • Pyjamas
  • Warm jumper
  • Trousers
  • Underwear
  • T shirts/ tops


** N.B. Cotton stays cold when damp so on wet days and for water sports we recommend wearing fleece, nylon, wool, or ‘thermal’ underwear next to the skin. These non-absorbent materials retain some insulation even when wet, whereas a cotton Tee shirt or jeans can feel like you are wearing a cold, wet dishcloth!


Blue Peris provides the following:

·         Waterproof jacket

·         Waterproof trousers

·         Rucksack

·         Balaclava

·         Walking boots

·         Wellies

·         Wetsuits

·         All safety gear


  What NOT to bring:


  • Aerosols – they set off the fire alarm
  • Electrical equipment (including hair straighteners and dryers) – there are no sockets in the dormitories and they are a fire hazard. (hair dryers are supplied in the washrooms
  • Items of value are discouraged (eg mobile phones, ipads, game consoles)
  • Trainer socks are not suitable for any activity
Money: you don’t need much but there is a small tuck-shop onsite which sells drinks, snacks and souveniers. The amount of money required will be left to your discussion.

Phones: the centre accepts no liability for any loss or damage to a phone. They are not allowed on any activities and schools often do not allow them. Note there is NO WIFI on site.