July 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
FIELD TRIP TO CAMBRIDGE – Thursday 14th September 2023
The Geography department would like to thank you for your support for the above trip. This trip is a
fantastic opportunity to bring learning alive and hopefully improve your child’s chances of gaining
their predicted grade. This is the first experience of fieldwork for your child and will help with the
third component of Geography. This trip is compulsory and fundamental to the understanding of
your child’s education.
To allow this to happen we require a contribution of £30, made payable via ParentPay to cover the
costs of transportation, punting excursion, insurance and all relevant administration costs. This visit
will be an informative and hopefully enjoyable day. The trip will be taking place on 14th September
2023 depending on which class your child is in.
14th September – 11Y Miss DeSpirito, 11Y2 Miss Roberts
The structure both days is outlined in the itinerary table below:
08:00: meet in the quad for a prompt departure. Failure to arrive on time could result in your child
not attending the trip. We will be travelling via coach.
09:15: Arrival at Cambridge
09:30: Urban fieldwork
12:00-12:45: Lunch-students can buy food from the town centre or bring their own.
13:00-14:00: Punting along the River Cam.
14:30: Departure from Cambridge
Arrive back at Biddenham School: Estimated at around 16:00 (traffic permitting).
Students are required to bring a pack lunch and snacks for the day or money to buy food/drink.
They can bring spending money if they want (although this is not a requirement). They will need
comfortable and practical footwear. They will also need their pencil case, water and a small
rucksack to carry all they need.
IMPORTANT: please complete the Parental Consent form and make a payment via the ParentPay
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Miss E Roberts
Head of Geography