Key Stage 3 Debate Club trip to Luton Magistrates Court – 11th May 2023


10th May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Key Stage 3 Debate Club Trip to Luton Magistrates Court

Your child has been invited on a school trip to Luton Magistrates Court as part of Key Stage 3 Debate Club on Thursday 11th May at 12.00 – 2.45pm. Unfortunately, when Biddenham competed in the Magistrates Mock Trial Competition we had to compete virtually so the students did not get the experience of seeing a real court in action. Therefore, this would be a fantastic opportunity to gain insight into the English legal system, alongside witnessing oracy skills from

Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch, if they are eligible for free school meals, a meal will be provided.

There is no cost for this trip but please give parental consent via ParentPay to enable your child to attend.

If you have any questions or concerns about this please do contact me at

Yours sincerely

Miss Rupasinghe
Geography Teacher