Wadham workshop at Mark Rutherford, Friday 19th May 2023


May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Wadham College – University of Oxford has arranged a personal statement workshop for students
who are planning to either apply to the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge.
I am pleased to invite your child to attend the workshop. The workshop will be held on the 19th May
2023 at Mark Rutherford Secondary School. We will be travelling by our school mini bus and will be
leaving at 1:15pm and will be back at approximately 3:30pm.

Mobile phones and cameras are permitted but brought by students at their own risk.

Please can you complete and return the attached reply slip and consent form to Mr Shakoor as
soon as possible and no later than Friday the 12th May 2023.

Yours sincerely

Mr A Brown
Director of Sixth form

Biddenham International School and Sports College
Personal Statement Workshop
Friday 28th Mary 2023

Please complete and return to Mr Shakoor by Friday 12th May

Student Name………………………………………………………………… Tutor group………………………
I give permission for my child to attend the above visit

Signature of Parent/Carer ……………………………………………………Date…………………

Name of Parent/Carer (please print) ………………………………………………..Date……………………..