The Natural History Museum, London, Tuesday the 13th June 2023.


9th May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

We would like to invite your child on a Biology trip we are organising to The Natural History Museum, London on Tuesday the 13th June 2023.

We shall be travelling there and back by train.  On the day of the visit students will need to make their own way to the train station on Ashburnham Road no later than 8.45am.  We will be leaving London at approximately 3.50pm and returning to Bedford station by 5.30pm.

Please complete the consent form on ParentPay, without completion of the consent form you child will not be allowed to join the group.

Students must bring a packed lunch, snacks and a drink.

Students should bring no more than £10 spending money. Mobile phones and cameras are allowed but brought by students at their own risk.

The cost of this trip is £20 to cover the cost of the event and transport. This will need to be paid on your child’s ParentPay account along with parental consent.

Thank you for supporting your child in this way.


Yours sincerely

Mr A Shakoor

Science Teacher