GCSE MFL speaking exam April 2023


March 2023

Dear Parent / Carer

Re: GCSE MFL speaking exam April 2023

Your child will soon be doing their GCSE speaking test, which is the first exam of the GCSE and which will represent 25% of the total grade.

The speaking exam will last 7-12 minutes and over the last few weeks, they have been preparing and memorising the work required to do well in this assessment.

There are 3 parts to speaking assessment and students will be required to discuss a photo task, carry out a role play scenario and have a general discussion about two AQA topics.

You can support your child during the Easter break by helping them practise their questions and answers and encouraging them to memorise the set phrases and questions for this assessment. They should aim to practise their answers (written and aloud) several times from memory. Students will not be permitted to bring any support material into the exam although they will have some time at the start of the assessment to prepare just the role-play and the photo card.

The questions for all the topics as well as resources to prepare the role-play and photo card are found on their Google Classroom.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information regarding the GCSE Speaking exam.

Many thanks for your support.

Estefanía Calvete Álvarez

Head of MFL
