Year 12 Reward trip – Thorpe Park



March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 12 End of Year visit to Thorpe Park –   Wednesday 21st June 2023

Cost: £35 

A visit to Thorpe Park has been planned as an end of year reward for the Year 12 Level 3 students. The aim of the visit is to encourage independence, responsibilities and to have fun!

The cost of the visit is £35. This price includes coach transport and entrance to the park. Lunch is not provided therefore students are expected to either bring a pack lunch or sufficient money for food within the park. Those students who are entitled to free school meals will be able to collect a pack lunch from the canteen before we leave. We will leave school at 8am and hope to arrive back at Biddenham by approximately 6pm (traffic permitting).

During the visit pupils will be allowed access to the whole of the park. Members of staff will be accompanying students, however pupils will be expected to travel around the parks responsibly in groups of three or more for safety reasons. All pupils will be given the school mobile number to contact staff during the visit. Students will be expected to attend in casual clothes and wear flat shoes.

As this trip is a reward for the students with high attendance, there is limited space on the trip. This trip including Parental Consent will be payable only via the ParentPay system and will be listed as Thorpe Park – Year 12 Reward Trip.

If you have any questions about this specific event then please do not hesitate to contact me on 01234 342521. Please note further details will be given to students nearer the date regarding the agenda for the day, behaviour expectations and final arrangements. We reserve the right to withdraw students from the visit if they fail to meet the deadlines set and behaviour required within lessons between now and the trip.

Yours sincerely


Mr A Smith

Assistant Head of Sixth Form