Visit to PWC, London – Tuesday 21st March 2023


March 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Visit to PWC, London on Tuesday 21st March 2023

We have been invited to attend PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) London offices as a careers engagement

day following on from the successful completion of their ‘Flying Start’ online programme which has been completed by your child. They will be spending two hours engaging with the employees of PWC and learning more about the degree apprenticeships that they offer and they will be given the opportunity to have a look around their offices.

Students will need to meet at the train station at 7.50 am. We will then get the train and tube to Embankment where students will participate in the employer engagement activities.. Following this we will get the train back to Bedford where students will either need to be collected or arrange transport home around 2.30pm.

The cost of the trip to cover travel expenses is £25.   Please pay for this and give parental consent on your ParentPay account for your child as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely


Shelley Cadman

Head of ICT and Computing
