Year 11 Parents’ Evening Letter 2nd February 2023


25th January 2023


Dear Parent/Carers,


Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 2nd February 2023 from 4pm until 8pm


After a number of years needing to hold parents’ evenings virtually, we are pleased to be able to invite you to attend a face to face meeting this year at school with your child’s subject teachers. 


Year 11 students have 15 weeks until their GCSEs start, so the primary purpose of the appointments will be to ensure that all of our students are able to receive helpful strategies for improvement where necessary, but also hear the praise that their subject staff have for all of their efforts so far too.


I would like to encourage you to make appointments with all subjects, not just the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies, as every single subject that your child is taking is important, and all of their teachers will be prepared to give meaningful feedback to support them moving forward.


Your child’s teachers will be able to inform you and your child of extra-curricular groups that are running after school in their subject area, to discuss helpful revision strategies and to encourage independent study.


We will continue to use the online booking system for making appointments. Please follow the link and you will be taken directly to the login page. Enter your details and your child’s details as required on the login screen. You will need to use your child’s preferred first name, preferred surname, and their date of birth. Bookings are now open, and will close at midnight on Wednesday 1st February. If there are any problems with booking please contact Julie Giles on 01234 334560 or email


We look forward to welcoming you back to Biddenham on Thursday 2nd February.


Yours faithfully



Mrs F Stephenson

Head of Year 11