Pastoral Curriculum Information Event


25th January 2023


Dear Parents/Carers


Pastoral Curriculum Information Event –  8th February 5-6pm


This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week (6-11th February) is ‘let’s connect’.  We wanted to take this opportunity to connect with you and invite you to an information event about our pastoral curriculum. This will be held on the Wednesday evening (8th February) of that week in our main hall.  


Our pastoral curriculum includes Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) which covers the topics of health and wellbeing, relationship and sex education, careers and citizenship. Our pastoral care also includes mental health and wellbeing support, safeguarding and any support that comes from our colleagues from external agencies. 


During the evening there will be a talk from our Head of PSHE, Mrs Hannah Wilthew and Mrs Abigail Speight, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead. We have also invited some key staff within school and outside agencies who we regularly work with; they will be available at the end to gather further information on how they support the school and potentially your child. 


Key areas from school

Sanctuary  (wellbeing and medical centre)


Mental Health 

Student safeguarding leads 


Organisations attending 

Bedford Open Door – counselling service for 13-25 year olds

Aquarius – support anyone under 18 in Bedfordshire who is affected by substance misuse

Early Help – a service designed to help a child receive the right support at an early stage

Groundwork – coaches that help young people tackle barriers that are stopping them making the most of their education

Discovery College – provide workshops on life skills, healthy relationships and creativity 

School Nursing service – here to support your child with their physical and emotional needs from when they start school until they leave


If you would like to attend this event please email to confirm your place. 


Yours sincerely


Abigail Speight 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead