Year 7 Progress Tests June 2022


Dear Parent/Carer


Following on from assessments completed at the start of Year 7, your child will be taking part in some online tests week commencing 13th June 2022. These tests allow us to monitor progress across English and Maths over the year and are used to ensure learners are making the expected progress in relation to their starting point.


The tests will cover all areas of the national curriculum in English, Maths, and Science at key stage 3.  It is important to emphasise that these tests are to help us improve and personalise our teaching and we are really keen that students should not find them too stressful.


As a parent you might like to set aside some time to go through with your child what they have learnt in English and Maths this year and go through the online tools listed below. 


Showing organisation when preparing for the progress tests



Maths revision support                               English revision support

Kerboodle                                                          BBC Bitesize

Blutick                                                                IDL

Times Table Rock Stars



The results will not be shared individually but as a result of the testing there will be targeted interventions used within, and in some cases outside of lesson time to help support your child.  


If you have any questions regarding these test please do not hesitate to contact me


Yours Sincerely 


Mr G Foy

Interim KS3 Raising Standards Leader