May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Maths Parents’ Evening, Wednesday 8th June 2022 4pm – 6pm
We are holding a Parents’ Evening for Maths only for Year 7 students who were unable to meet with their Maths teacher in April.
The parents evening interviews are a good opportunity for subject teachers to identify what has gone well, and what needs to be worked on together. This will involve looking at your child’s current report which you will receive before Parents’ Evening, and negotiating a set of individual targets which will enable your child to build on their achievements so far. It is important that the students are involved in these conversations so they feel empowered by the targets, rather than disconnected to them if they feel they do not fit their learning. We want students to feel they can ask for help, where necessary.
We are continuing to use the online booking system for making appointments. Please follow the link and you will be taken directly to the login page. Enter your details and your child’s details as required on the login screen. You will need to use your child’s preferred first name, preferred surname, and their date of birth. Bookings are now open, and will close at midday on Wednesday 8th June.
If there are any problems with booking please contact Monika Skrzypacz on 01234 342521 or email
Due to the success and convenience of online Parents’ Evenings with other year groups the appointments will not take place in school, but will be by video, and are accessible through most smartphones, tablets or laptops. Your child’s school Chromebook can also be used to access the appointments. Please click on the following link for a guide – how to attend your appointments over video
Should you require a telephone appointment please contact the school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A J Speight Mr P Strzelec
Head of Year 7 Head of Maths