March 2022
Dear Parent/ Carer,
In order to make food technology cost effective for parents/carers we have a system in place to ensure every child has the opportunity to access ingredients from school.
For all students in year 7 and 8 the food department will provide all their ingredients and containers for the term.
For the Summer term (April- July) we will require the payment below in order to cover the ingredient costs for the three dishes, please can you pay this via the parent pay account prior to 19th April 2022.
Year 7- £4.38 This will pay for all ingredients and containers needed for the summer term.
Year 8- £4.97 This will pay for all ingredients and containers needed for the summer term.
If your child is currently in year 8 and they are wanting to study Food Preparation and Nutrition at GCSE, then it will become their responsibility to provide all ingredients for the dishes that we cook.
If your child is currently in year 7, we will send out another letter regarding the costs for the Autumn term before the Summer Holidays.
If there are any problems, or if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Food Department.
Finally please note if your child receives free school meals then no payment is required as the pupil premium funding covers the cost for these students.
Yours sincerely,
Miss M Powell
Head of Food Preparation and Nutrition