Update Letter for Parents and Carers 27th January 2022


27th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We thought it important to write to you to following the various government announcements, to clarify our health and safety measures from this point to half term. This week public health have written to schools in Bedford with concerns about the rates of infection in the local area. It states:

‘Unfortunately, rates of infection among children and young people are very high and rising in Bedford Borough. We are aware of 55 outbreaks in educational settings, and unlike in other parts of the country, the overall downwards trend in cases has stopped and cases are now rising. As of 25th January, Bedford Borough had the 3rd highest COVID-19 rate in England. 

Reflecting this picture, I am writing to advise that education and early years settings continue to adopt a policy of wearing face coverings in communal areas (including on school transport) for staff and students in Year 7 and above, when the national advice ceases on Thursday 27th January.  

I am very conscious of the disruption that COVID-19 continues to cause to education and early years settings. Face coverings are an effective means to reduce the transmission and impact of the virus. The recommendation applies to communal areas including school transport, but does not apply to classrooms and other teaching spaces. I will review this advice during the half-term week, i.e. this guidance is effective until at least until Friday 11th February (the start of half-term).’

As a result of this in school:

Thank you, as ever, for your continued support in keeping our school as safe as possible and minimising the impact of Covid-19.


Warm regards


Mr D Bailey                                         Ms E Grylls

Principal                                              Head of School