Update Letter for Parents and Carers October 2021


15th October 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It doesn’t seem possible that we are already close to the end of the first half term, but here we are! School feels full and busy again, as it should be, and students have been showing excellent attitudes to learning and the range of extra-curricular opportunities available. Thank you for your support in ensuring that students are equipped and supported to do their best and make the most of their time in school. 

Health and Safety

Given the continued high rate of Covid-19 infections in school, we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the safety measures that need to remain in place in order to protect our school community. The updated government guidance requires schools to keep some safety measures in place including good hygiene, appropriate cleaning, good ventilation and the importance of following public health guidance on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of Covid-19.

Travel to school 

We encourage all students to walk or cycle to school if at all possible as this is the healthiest option. Should students need to travel by public transport they will need to follow the government guidance about wearing face masks. We ask that if a parent or carer is bringing their child to school they remain in their cars and use the drop off/pick up points marked. Any visits to the school should be made by appointment only, to minimise the number of people that we have on site.


Attendance has been compulsory again since September, as the government expects all students to attend school. The usual rules apply, meaning we are recording attendance and following up on any absences. 


Students are expected in full school uniform from September, (sixth form stay in non-uniform). Students will also need a Biddenham branded PE kit to change into for PE lessons. Details are available on the school website and a link can be found here. Our basic school uniform items of plain black full length trousers, plain black skirt, plain white shirt/blouse, black or navy blue shalwar kamiz/jalbaab can be purchased relatively cheaply from any high street or supermarket clothes retailer; however, if you are experiencing any difficulty, please contact enquiries@biddenham.beds.sch.uk or call 01234 342521 and we will assist where we can.

Your continued support with our safety measures and high expectations will ensure that we minimise disruption to learning and have a happy and healthy school community.

Warm regards


Mr D Bailey                                         Ms E Grylls

Principal                                              Head of School