English Extra-Curricular Activities

Below are some of the clubs and activities you can get involved in.
Reading Ambassadors
Our Year 7 and 8 Reading Ambassadors work closely with our Librarian to promote a love of reading. They share their recommendations with their peers and were chosen as they are such avid readers.
Creative Writing Club – find your voice and express yourself!
Do you enjoy writing stories? Our creative writing club lets your imagination run wild!
You might write about your experience living through the pandemic; a fantasy adventure where you are the hero; or write and draw a comic-book strip. 
Poetry Live
Key Stage 4 and 5 have the opportunity to visit  Poetry Live where poets read their poems, discuss the meanings behind them and answer questions. 
There are also opportunities to attend productions of some of the texts that we read.
Our Year 10s and 11s visited Milton Keynes Theatre to watch ‘An Inspector Calls’ being performed. Not only did this help students with their analysis of the text, but it was also a great production to see.
Stretch and Challenge – introduction to A level English
An opportunity to challenge yourself further and experience A level style discussions.