Extra-Curricular Opportunities

‘Everyone has a chance to find their element’
Opportunities for extra-curricular activities at Biddenham are very extensive. We regularly arrange visits to theatres, field centres, historical sites, exhibitions, foreign countries and major sporting events, but also clubs in house for STEM, Performing Arts, Design Technology and Nurture groups.
Extracurricular clubs and opportunities are facilitated by your teachers and are free to all students to join and take part. They run every evening of the week usually running from 2:45pm – 3:30pm.
Below are examples of just some of the extracurricular opportunities available. When you join us here at Biddenham School you will be invited to a Google Classroom where all the up to date clubs are advertised along with tutor bulletin slides given every Monday morning.
The extracurricular opportunities are open to everyone with any interests and here at Biddenham we encourage you to speak up and ask for a club that interests you should it not already be on offer.
Key Stage 3 extra-curricular opportunities examples:
You can also keep up to date with what extra-curricular opportunities are available by joining our social media pages.