Letter regarding Drama Performance Blood Brothers, July 2022

8th July 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

As you may be aware your child has been working on a scripted scene performance from the musical Blood Brothers as part of their year 9 GCSE Drama assessment. We would like to invite you to a showing of their work on Friday 15th July at 11 am. This event will be free of charge and hosted during their normal Drama lesson in the Drama studio. Whilst we hope as many of you can attend as possible, so we have a healthy sized audience for our students, we will be filming this assessment and sharing the videos with the students so they will be able to show their assessment to you via their chromebooks, should you not be able to make it.

On arrival, please make your way to the main entrance and you will be met in the foyer and directed to the Drama studio.  For many of our students this will be their first live performance and we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible into school to support them.

Please complete the slip below and return to your child’s Drama teacher.

Yours sincerely

Miss HL Wiltshire

Head of Performing Arts



Please complete this slip and return to your Drama teacher.

 I the parent/carer of (student’s name) ………………………………………………………………….

Will be able to/ Will not be able to attend the performance on 15th July 2022 at 11am

We will require ……. seat/s for the performance.


Signed: ………………………………………………………………………….


Date: ………………………………………….